Bank of Baroda, Bank of Maharashtra launch special fixed deposit schemes Upto 8%. Details here

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Bank of Baroda, Bank of Maharashtra

Bank of Baroda, Bank of Maharashtra launch special fixed deposit schemes. Details here

Bank of Baroda has launched successfully a new special fixed deposit scheme with higher interest rates known as Bank of Baroda Monsoon Dhamaka Deposit Scheme and take the good return and create wealth with safe investment. The bank has also revised its fixed deposit interest rates with good returns.

A week ago, RBI highlighted during a meeting with the bosses of public and private sector who is on the top. Here Bank of Baroda and Bank of Maharashtra have rolled out special deposit schemes in order to fund growing demand for credit.

Name of the schemes for sure return

The Bank of Baroda Monsson Dhamaka special Deposit schemes is available in two tenor buckets. They are offering two schemes for investors. One of them is 333 days which offers 7.15% (percent) of returns per annum.

The other Special scheme is 399 days which offer 7.25% (percent) of interest to the investor (depositors). Last date of FD interest rates came 15th july, 2024 and its applicable on retail deposits below 3 crore.

As per Bank of Baroda’s press release issue on 15th july, 2024, “senior citizens will earn other additional interest rate of 0.50% (percent) per annum means they will get 7.75% p.a. for special scheme of 399 days and the other scheme which is 333 days, tey will get 7.65% (percent) per annum.

Other special offer for this scheme is that who is not applicable for above criteria, they will get on their deposits 0.15% (percent) extra for this two schemes. but this will applicable on minimum deposites above 1 crore and less than 3 crore.

Additionally, the state lender offers 7.10 percent interest on a 360-day deposit.

The short-term deposits offer a lower rate of interest i.e., between 4.25 percent and 6.85 percent (barring 333 days and 360 days).

Best Schemes for Bank of Maharashtra

200 Days6.9%
400 Days7.10%
666 Days7.15%
777 Days7.25%

Same as, Bank of Maharashtra offers four special schemes for different tenures: which is for 200 days, 400 days, 666 days and 777 days.

The Bank of Maharashtra Monsson Dhamaka special Deposit schemes is available in four tenor buckets. They are offering upto 7.10% (percent) of returns per annum to 7.25% per annum.

The rate of interest for 200 days scheme is 6.9% per annum. and 7.10% for 400 days deposit schemes. You can get more return oof interest on 777 days deposits schemes, which is launched by Bank of Maharastra. This scheme give 7.25% (percent) per annum on their deposits.

image credit: Taxscan
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